The liberation of Kherson city and investigation of a Russian torture site

On the day after it was liberated, I negotiated our access to Kherson city, secretly escorted in by a team of Ukrainian army scouts.

We produced these two stories in 48 hours, one detailing the joy and pain of liberation for the residents of a city which spent 8 months under Russian occupation.

For the second story, my previous work establishing contacts inside the city bore fruit allowing us to locate and report from a Russian torture site within the city, featuring testimony from survivors. I am incredibly proud of how sensitively and forensically we were able to tell this story so soon after gaining access to the city.

Reporter: Paraic O’Brien. Camera and edit: Flavian Charuel. Additional production and translation: Vyacheslav Kasim. Security consultant: Peter Griffin

scenes from the road into Kherson

some snaps of me this time, by Paraic on the road in and the middle of an air raid edit